
Things to Know Before Traveling to Cuba

Cuba has been on my bucket list for a while. Before embarking on this adventure I’ve done a decent amount of research online on various do’s and dont’s in Cuba as trust me: it’s not an easy place to travel to. Moreover, there are many misconceptions about Cuba.

Pay attention to these things to know about Cuba – here are my Cuba Travel Tips! All of this just to be prepared for any eventuality and learn all the important things to know about Cuba.

Travel to Cuba

Unfortunately, we quickly discovered that what you can read online cannot always be trusted and there are way too many misconceptions about Cuba. Moreover, it seems like many travelers went to Cuba without doing even the slightest amount of research.

Based off of what we all saw, Cuba is far more complex and better than how it’s portrayed on the internet. It might not be a perfect country and you definitely shouldn’t expect luxury conditions as if you traveled around the US, so there are a few things to know about Cuba before you go.

Plan your trip to Cuba accordingly and explore it with your eyes open. Especially if you want to do some independent travel to Cuba.

Cuban pink car
Rocking the pink car!

1. Traveling to Cuba Is Easier Than Most People Think

While the US might have said it’s not legal to travel to Cuba a lot of people are confused about the details. The State Department says that all travel to Cuba must still meet certain activity-related requirements. There are 12 types of travel that are permitted, including family visits, journalistic activities, professional research and meetings, educational activities, public performances, and religious activities. You cannot book a flight without selecting one of the 12 categories, you cannot book an Air BnB without selecting one, but don’t worry!

Documentation needed for Cuba isn’t as complicated as it may sound at first. It all seems vague, but… the easiest way to travel to Cuba is flying through Cancun. Since we’re based in Mexico at the moment it was easy for us to book our flights with Interjet and head to the airport.

Cuba Tourist Card

At Cancun airport it doesn’t matter if you’re American, European, or from the moon, white, black or blue…

You simply pick up a Tourist Card for $20 at the check-in counter and voila! Moreover, when we arrived in Havana all Americans were asked if they’d like their passport to be stamped or not.

2. Don’t Necessarily Pre-Book Your Accommodation

Housing in Cuba is hard to find online, so I wouldn’t bother and opt for casas particulares in Cuba. What exactly is a “casa particular?” I’d compare it to AirBnB without the necessity of booking it online.

Cuban residents can rent out an extra room in their home. They pay a monthly government tax of 10% of their income, but staying there does help the locals more so I’d highly recommend staying in casas when in Cuba.

Anyway, to make things easier we pre-booked our first 2 nights including the airport transfer on AirBnB. We got our confirmation within a day and a driver was meant to wait for us at the airport. Sounds easy, right? It turned out that getting out of the airport wasn’t as easy as we thought it would be. There were at least 100 people squeezed in the arrivals hall holding a name card. Finding our driver was almost a mission impossible.

When I finally found him, the poor guy had to wait for us 1.5 h as the line to the only one Casas de Cambio SA (CADECA) – currency exchange booth in the arrivals hall was enormous. In the end, we ended up paying even more than we would for a regular taxi as we made the driver wait.

casas particulares Cuba
Look for this sign everywhere!

3. Internet Works in Cuba

Almost everyone was telling us that we need to take 2 weeks off from work simply because we won’t find any internet. Others warned us that even if we find the internet it’s going to be unaffordable or simply it won’t be working well. Well, what a bunch of bullshit! Since I was Snapchatting our adventures every day I could easily find internet all over the country.

While wifi doesn’t work everywhere, like it would in other countries, it’s definitely not impossible to find a hotspot. Every major hotel has wifi. Also if you see a group of people sitting around with their phones in the park, it means it’s probably a hotspot.

snapchat in Cuba

4. Cuba Isn’t Super Cheap

“Cuba is cheap, because people earn $20 a month” was what we heard. But we prepared to spend at least $50 a day. We weren’t wrong. The level of tourism infrastructure that was in place and also the many tourists flocking here, which results in higher prices.

Unfortunately, prices in Cuba are slightly different. The cost of a trip to Cuba for a week would be a minimum of $500.

In Havana, you could find double-decker hop-on-hop-off busses and world-class hotels for approx. $175-300 a night. We took plenty of cabs that cost $10-15 CUC, and while that’s cheap, plenty of Ubers in LA are the same price.

5. It’s Not Hard to Find Bottled Water in Cuba

“Water is incredibly hard to find because you can’t just stroll down to the nearest street corner and find them” we read online. We brought our LifeStraw Bottles to avoid unnecessary problems, but we hardly got a chance to use them apart from the hike in Trinidad. People were selling bottled water in various places. You could also easily buy a cold can of coke if you prefer it.

In my experience, you’re going to be able to survive buying water or coke everywhere. However, my boyfriend who drinks a lot disagrees and was glad we brought the Lifestraw. So I guess it depends on how much liquid you normally drink 😉

6. Cuban Food Is Good

We read to be aware of Cuban food and to be prepared for the worst aside from the infamous Cuban sandwich. Our friends told us that famous Cuban pizzas are inedible and that we need to bring some spices and hot sauce because the food is bland. And even more important that it’s actually hard to find any food.

Sorry guys, but I’m not sure if we traveled to the same place because the food in Cuba was cheap and delicious!

Breakfast for 2 in Havana!
Breakfast for 2 in Havana: quite a feast!

You haven’t been to Cuba unless you’ve had a succulent grilled lobster for $5 or a giant seafood platter with lobster, crab, shrimp and a bunch of sides for $6.50! We’ve never spent more than $10 on a dish and I was struggling to finish my plate every time.

We’ve never actually used our bottle of tabasco, as we’re always offered a salsa, ketchup and salt. I also discovered my new favorite dish: crema de queso, which is basically a soup made of grated cheese.

Cuban pizza

As for the Cuban pizza it’s not bad, but it’s not good either. It tastes like a frozen pizza you’d eat hungover, but for $1 I can’t really complain!

7. Cuban Pina Coladas Are Served with Cinnamon

It’s no surprise that Cuba is a rum country, with Havana Club rum leading the pack for only $4 a bottle. While you can also purchase some rum in the box (which seems to be Cuba’s leading invention when it comes to street nightlife), I expected the best mojitos in the world.


Unfortunately, here’s where I got disappointed. The ice was never mushed and I never fully tasted the mint.

I decided to stick to Pina Coladas, but here’s the twist: they always sprinkle cinnamon on top which makes the drink taste like a cinnamon more than a coconut. But the fresh pineapple juice used in a Cuban piña colada certainly contributes to its easy drinkability.

8. Havana Is Beautiful

As we read a lot of visitors weren’t happy with what Havana has to offer and described it as a ‘dump’. Is Havana ugly? I tend to disagree, as we all loved the city!

While it might not be the cleanest capital city in the world and many buildings are falling apart, it’s definitely a beautiful place.

Capitol Building Havana
Capitol Building in Havana

9. You Can Buy Regular Essentials In Cuba

“Stores to buy simple supplies such as bottled water or snacks were very few & far between. Often the shelves were less than half stocked, so cosmetic items cannot be replaced” – we read.

We prepared like for a deserted island, carefully checking if we have enough soap, lotion, toothpaste and toilet paper (yes, we read to bring our own toilet paper too).

Travel to Cuba

While bringing these items to Cuba was useful I’ve never experienced a lack of soap or toilet paper anywhere. I could have easily bought a big bottle of shampoo and lotion at the store. There might not be a 7-Eleven at every street corner, but it doesn’t mean you can’t buy anything in Cuba.

10. Bus Isn’t Necessarily the Best Form of Transportation

We expected to use bus a lot, as we were told it’s the best way to travel around Cuba. There are 2 long-distance bus companies. One company is called Astro where you pay in moneda nacional (CUP).

The other is Viazul where you pay in the more expensive CUC currency. Tourists usually can’t catch the less expensive Astro bus, because it’s mainly reserved for Cuban citizens.

Here’s where we were wrong though. While buses might seem like the best-priced idea it would only be cheaper if you travel solo.

On the way to the bus station to purchase bus tickets for the following day (as bus tickets sell out quickly), our taxi driver offered to take us to Viñales for 70 CUC. While we were 4, so it turned out it was only 2 CUC per person more than the bus would be. But transportation door to door saved us on taxis to the bus station. We could stop for photos whenever, and do everything without being stuck to the bus schedule.

On the way back from Vinales we could take us back to Havana and within 5 minutes we got an offer. It was easier, cheaper and definitely less stressful.

Photocredit: GettingStamped

11. You Can Rent a Car in Cuba. Technically.

We wanted to rent a car in Cuba to explore the island on our own. “You can rent a car” said various websites, but it turned out to be barely possible. Why? Let me tell you a story here.

First, we tried to book a car online and got an email that our reservation will be confirmed within 72h. After 24h we got another email saying that the reservation could not be processed.

Then we tried to go to the car rental place in Viñales, but the booth never actually opened despite the sign saying that it’s open.

We made a choice to return to the airport as we saw 4 stalls with car rentals. Guess what? None of them had cars available. Moreover, I was told that booking online is always going to be rejected in Cuba and we should have booked our car in person at least 2 weeks in advance.

This is when I started to wander around the airport leaving my friends in the line to the currency exchange. I stumbled upon a guy who sold us internet cards and happened to remember me. I told him that we wanted to rent a car, but now we’re probably going to have to take the bus. “Wait here!” he said and went to talk to another guy.

Within 5 minutes he called me up, as it turned out his friend worked for a car rental place at the airport (which told us they had no cars before) and I was quickly offered a few cars to choose from.

I’m still unsure if I got the car for us because I was a girl wandering around the airport on my own, or because they thought my Spanish was good and wanted to be nice to me. One-way or other rental cars in Cuba are only given to people who they like.

12. Cubans Often Know More About the World than Americans

While Cuba might seem to everyone like a country that’s still from the US or Europe, it turned out not to be true. People were surprising us with their knowledge of the world and current events. I’d go even further and say that many Cubans knew more about the world than some Americans do.

Cubans playing dominos
Cubans playing an intense game of dominos

13. Varadero Can Be Gorgeous Outside of Resorts

The coastline around Varadero has a plethora of all-inclusive resorts that seems to rival Cancun. We weren’t originally supposed to go to Varadero as we thought it would be a tourist trap. But since we were driving around the northern beaches we stopped there for a night and… I’m glad we did.

Varadero, while has some resorts, isn’t very touristy outside of them. The town was small, beaches were gorgeous and we really enjoyed the local beach bar with cocktails and cheeseburgers for 2 CUC. I mean, who wouldn’t?

Varadero beach
Blue waters of Varadero

14. Cuba Isn’t Dangerous


The entire time we were there, we felt extremely safe. With a rate of fewer than 5 homicides per 100,000 people, Cuba is safer than any other Caribbean destination except for Grenada, according to U.N. statistics.

We never had to feel insecure about our professional cameras. I could wander on street of Havana on my own without any issues. In Viñales we saw that no one locked up their bikes there – that’s how safe it is.

Don’t Forget About Travel Insurance

Don’t forget to arrange health insurance before heading to Cuba. Visitors are often stopped at the border and checked if they have valid insurance. In case you don’t have one, you might be forced to buy a Cuban one. But not all insurance cover Cuba. World Nomads Travel Insurance covers Cuba since a few months ago, so you might want to get their insurance, as it’s the best out there. 

Suggested Books About Cuba:

The Authentic Cuba Travel Guide
Real Havana: Explore Like a Local

Watch Video About Cuba:

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Hope these Cuba Travel Tips were helpful. If you have any more questions let me know!

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  1. I’m Canadian and I visited Cuba with my boyfriend in early 2014. It was such an amazing place to visit, it is so safe and Havana is incredible, although we did find that Wifi was hard to find. As in, we didn’t find any! Maybe it has improved since we visited. We found Cuba to be relatively cheap/affordable but the tourist currency (CUC) definitely makes it more expensive than what the locals pay.

    Overall, it was a unique place to visit and we hope to go back sometime in the future to see how much it has changed because it is definitely a country in transition!

    1. I guess wifi in Cuba must have improved since you guys were there 🙂
      I’m also curious to see how the place will develop over the next few years!

  2. Wow! An unlocked bike really is a sign of how Cuba is (at least in Vinales). This is such a great post and I think more and more people should read it as Cuba becomes a destination of interest. Your photos really showcase Cuba, so bravo to you!

  3. I was in Cuba March last year and absolutely agree with the security of the country. I was surprised how safe it was. I even went home myself in the dark without being scared which I would always avoid in other Central/South American countries.

    Concerning point 10: You can also find the shared taxis when you’re traveling on your own. They just put together four people and each person has to pay their share. As you said about 2 CUC more than the Viazul. Completely easy. I just took the Viazul from Havana to Vinales. While at the bus station in Havana I learned about the shared taxis and used them from Vinales to Trinidad, Trinidad to Santa Clara and Santa Clara to Havana. I always approached taxi drivers/stands a day before and they always found other people to go with me, picked me up and brought me to the new accommodation. Travel super easy!

    1. For sure! We just wanted to have more freedom to stop and spend as much time as we need to take photos. I always worry that some people who aren’t passionate about taking pictures might get annoyed… it happened before 🙂

  4. With the opening of the two Embassy’s now more than ever Americans can travel to Cuba and enjoy the beauty of this wonderful island.

  5. I can’t agree with you more about Havana!!! I was taken by the city and I am not even a city person. It is easily one of my top 5 cities in the world even after visiting almost 70 countries. The colors, the cars, the people, the architecture…. yea it’s third world but it just has an irresistible charm in my opinion!

  6. I thought that going there on a cruise was really nice! Especially since there isn’t any wifi….. We had EVERYTHING we needed on the ship and then some! I could go again and again…..

  7. Nice to know that Cubans still know what’s going on in this world!!! There are so many rumours about them being close-minded :(. Did you have a chance to speak with many locals? 🙂 If so, what did you guys usually talk about?

    1. I did actually. We talked about everything really, from Cuban lifestyle, to American presidential elections, to tourism in Mexico honestly 🙂

  8. Hi Anna,

    Awesome post, I too found out the truth about many Cuban myths while I stumbled my way around this great country. I met a young man who definitely was engaged with what was going on in the rest of the world and felt very comfortable and safe staying in the casa particulars. I found Cuban folks to be fantastically friendly and anybody who didn’t work behind a desk was wonderfully helpful ( aka, ask the bus driver for help, not the ticket agent!). Hope to go back some day and explore the Eastern half of the island.


    Emily Kydd

  9. Hi Anna, would you recommend booking a flight from Cancun to Havana in advance and online or in person at Cancun airport? Would it be reasonable to use US credit card to book this flight? Any recommendation what website to use that may accept other forms of payment such as paypal, for example? Thank you in advance.

    1. Hi Alisa! I think you should book in advance – my flight was full. The airlines are like any others (interjet, aeromexico), so you can freely use your US card. I think Aeromexico allows you to pay by paypal, but you don’t really need to do this.

      1. Thank you, Anna. Would you also recommend to bring euros versus US dollars with us? I hear that there is/was 10% fee for converting US dollars. I assume there is no separate fee for converting EURs. Thank you.

  10. I visited cuba this year in the summer but wasnt able to access snapchat, how did you access it and if it was VPN, then how did you install it?

  11. Hi Anna,

    May husband and I would like to visit Cuba this upcoming summer 2017. However, I am confused on whether we need a travel agency to visit Cuba now that your can fly out of the US via United or Southwest. Have you heard anything about that? If not can you recommend us with some travel agencies we can go through?


    1. Hi Paulina,

      You don’t need an agency. I know for sure that JetBlue hands in visas (tourist cards) at the airport for $80 and I think (don’t quote me on this) United started to do the same thing. Cuba is fantastic – you’ll have a great time I’m sure!

      1. Not sure where you are flying from but I’m taking JetBlue from LAX to Fort Lauderdale then to Havana. Jet Blue includes insurance in the cost of the ticket and visa for additional $50 at the departure airport. No travel agency required.

  12. Hi Anna,the wife and I are flying to Holguin,Cuba on 7th March from London, (we actually live in the Canary Islands and can’t fly anywhere direct) we have three weeks and are looking to move around a bit, I’ve seen your comments on bus and taxis but what about train and plane,did you try either?

    1. Traveling around Cuba by plane is expensive, but you can book flights at the airport once you arrive. Trains are considered cheapest, but also least reliable way to travel around and you need to be at the station waiting for at least a few hours before to secure your tickets. But it could be a fun adventure 🙂

  13. Hi Anna,
    My husband and I are going for a mini vacation (5days) to Cuba from Cancun. Could you please recommend, based on your experience, what would be best to visit at the first place?
    Thank you!

    1. I’d say Havana. I think there’s enough to do in Havana for an entire week, but if you’re short on time then you can do a day trip to Varadero beach in an old car and spend 2 days 1 night in Vinales.

  14. Hello I am flying to Cuba in April with Jet Blue from LAX. Jet blue is offering Cuban visas at their departure airport for $50 USD. No idea how to get it for $20 unfortunately. Hope that helps.

  15. Hi Anna!

    Thank you for putting this together. I am actually headed to Cuba in a month or so. I would love to hear more about the hikes you did and that beautiful waterfall + watering hole you swam in!! Would you care to share the location at all?!

    1. I still have so much to write about Cuba… the National Park was called Topes de Collantes and the waterfall is Vegas Grande. It’s the easiest hike in the area and since you’re going around April/May like when I went there are a few waterfalls that are dry and this one always has water. I’ll be putting together a detailed post (hopefully) soon!

  16. Hi Anna!

    Thank you for putting this together. I am actually headed to Cuba in a month or so. I would love to hear more about the hikes you did and that beautiful waterfall + watering hole you swam in!! Would you care to share the location at all?! I would appreciate it so much! I’ll be traveling alone and kind of on a budget so your guidance was very helpful!

    1. Budgetwise I’d say you need around $50-80 per day. I’d prepare myself even for $100 as it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

  17. Hi Anna, What an amazing website it is I must say! This purely depicts your passion and craziness towards traveling.

    I’ve been working with a Cuba travel service and the tips you’ve mentioned here are accurately help for anyone who is planning a visit to Cuba! 🙂

  18. Would you have a blog post about the best things / activities to do while there and what you enjoyed the most ?

    Your article is very well made and helps a lot !



  19. Hey Anna,

    Loved this article!!!! So I downloaded VPN because im going to cuba this summer. My question to you is do I have to be connected to wifi in order for me to use the VPN? Some VPN has free trails how would I cancel it?

  20. Hello there Anna,
    Have you been to the hotel Gran Manzana ? If you did, did you go to the rooftop restaurant? Hows the food and etc?! I also had a question about snapchat. Is it safe to use VPN? Can you use it without wifi?

    1. It’s very safe to use a VPN. Everyone uses it 🙂 I just googled this hotel and nope, it’s brand new established a few months ago. But from what it looks like and considering it’s a foreign brand in Cuba, it doesn’t seem to be worth overpaying 😉

      1. Aww thanks for taking your time to answer back. Looking forward on going to cuba , So that snapchat filter wasn’t made up lol ?

  21. My boyfriend and I are planning a trip to Cuba this year. I was weary of the safety aspect just because even the national U.S. government website gives plenty of precautions, but this post (and your husbands on Expert Vagabond) definitely helped put any worries at ease. Thanks!

  22. Hey Anna,

    I just discovered your site, it is really amazing!I started with the articles about Cuba, because it is our dream destination with my love 🙂

  23. Hi Anna, how about flying to Cuba from and back to US as an european citizen/tourist travelling thru the US ? Is it still necssary to fulfill the US requirements and pick a category for travelling from US ? Thank You

    1. Unless something changed very recently everyone was required to fulfill requirements like for US citizens when flying from the US, even EU citizens.

  24. Okay, tnx, that means, category : tourist, doesn’t exist and practically there’s no way to travel to Cuba from the US simply! Rgds

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