Tips for Visiting the Blue Lagoon near Reykjavik

The Blue Lagoon is probably Iceland’s most iconic landmark and while it is definitely gorgeous, but that wasn’t the main reason I was there.

The hot spring at the Blue Lagoon is supposed to be great for psoriasis and as I suffer from a very bad type of psoriasis, I was curious to see if it would help.

Tips for Visiting Iceland Blue Lagoon

blue lagoon iceland
best time to visit iceland blue lagoon

How to Get to Blue Lagoon Hot Springs from Reykjavik?

Where is the blue lagoon in Iceland? When you book your tickets on the website you’ll be given an option to add the bus ticket. If you’re coming straight from the airport, don’t worry – there are plenty of lockers to store your suitcases.

There’s no best time to go to the blue lagoon, as you need to pre-book a timeslot of entry. When I went at 8 AM in the winter it was already full, but I heard that during the summer after 7 PM it’s less crowded.

How much time you should spend on the blue lagoon? You can stay as long as you want at the lagoon, just be there on time that your ticket indicates. You can purchase smoothies, beer, or wine during your visit with your key. It’s expensive (as it’s Iceland) but definitely affordable.

reykjavik iceland blue lagoon

How Much Does the Blue Lagoon Cost?

I recommend bringing your own towel and paying just for the standard package (€35-40). You get your own locker and access to the Lagoon, saunas, and showers.

You’ll have to get naked for the shower before entering the lagoon. You can lock yourself in the shower, so you don’t have to get naked in public. Once you get out of the changing room and enter the lagoon you have to wear swimwear. Being nude at the blue lagoon isn’t allowed.

While the mud mask from the more expensive package can be tempting, there are many buckets with mud that you can use for free.

blue lagoon nude

What is the Blue Lagoon in Iceland?

Blue Lagoon isn’t a natural phenomenon. While the water comes from a natural source underground, the lagoon was actually created by a nearby power plant as a place to dump overspill water. So if you thought about a fully natural experience that might not be the right fit.

The geothermal water features three active ingredients: Silica, Algae & Minerals. It might slightly burn your skin if you open wounds. The water temperature stays toasty at 37-40°C (98-104°F), year-round, so don’t worry about water being cold in the winter.

The in-water massages, saunas, and treatments aren’t private, but you’ll be in your swimsuit in the Lagoon. You jump up on a foam mat and get wrapped in a hot towel with special creams.

However, before you hop into the water you’ll get to get naked (yes, including your swimwear) and hop in the shower which isn’t very private

Cute sauna

The in-water massages, saunas, and treatments aren’t private, but you’ll be in your swimsuit in the Lagoon. You jump up on a foam mat and get wrapped in a hot towel with special creams.

However, before you hop into the water you’ll get to get naked (yes, including your swimwear) and hop in the shower which isn’t very private.

Cute sauna

Some people might complain about getting naked, especially since the Blue Lagoon isn’t a nude spa in Iceland, but that’s something you have to do.

Does the Blue Lagoon Help for Psoriasis?

The recommended treatment takes a week, but technically you should see some improvement straight away due to the beneficial effects of mineral-rich geothermal seawater. However, the treatment is combined with UV treatment.

Honestly, I’ve tried the UV treatment and never saw any improvements, neither did my skin get even slightly better. If you’re planning on heading to the Blue Lagoon to help your psoriasis I’d not expect miracles and just go and enjoy myself.

But what I did find helpful and cleared me out of my psoriasis was a weird Chinese yellow cream that people recommended me on various forums. I normally don’t believe in miracles, but this cream really helped me.

Scalp Psoriasis & Damaged Hair After Visiting the Blue Lagoon

As I wanted to stay in the water as long as I could to treat my scalp psoriasis. While in my case Blue Lagoon in Iceland didn’t help me, I wouldn’t give it – it can help you!

But, as you might have probably heard the water from the lagoon can really damage your hair. While some girls would tell you that their hair wasn’t so bad, my hair was totally destroyed.

I wanted to make psoriasis on my scalp better so I dipped my head into the water a few times during my visit. After I got back to my hotel I took a long shower, washed my hair, and… that’s when my problem started. I couldn’t brush my hair at all!

blue lagoon iceland pictures

There have been times in my life when my hair wasn’t easy to brush but this was a complete disaster. I quickly found out that no matter how eager I was to help my psoriasis, I shouldn’t have even dipped my hair into the water full of minerals. Oops!

How to Take Photos at the Blue Lagoon?

If you plan on taking photos inside the Lagoon, use protection. I saw people’s cameras falling into the water or phones getting damaged due to humidity.

Hello bar!

Is the Blue Lagoon Worth Visiting?

Let’s ask the most important question: is it worth a visit? Of course! It’s a lovely place for both singles and couples, and I’ve already been there twice in the summer and winter. I’d say the Blue Lagoon is a must-visit place in Iceland!

Tips for Vistiing Blue Lagoon Iceland

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  1. Looks like you had a great time. I’ll be going to Iceland for the first time in June. I’ll have to make sure to avoid lamb poo sandwiches!

  2. I went to Iceland via Iceland air in 2012 and loved it. We knew the airline didn’t serve food so we brought snacks, but as a taller girl, I LOVED the leg room. Also a major fan of the skyr smoothies at Blue Lagoon. SO good. I loved Iceland and can’t wait to go back- maybe this year 🙂

  3. how did you get such great selfies it always takes me awhile to get a good one. also loved the story about your enjoyed reading your adventure

  4. Have always wanted to go to Iceland. The blue Lagoon looks amazing! Such a shame about your flight though. I always imagine Iceland to be quite expensive though

  5. That skyr smoothie sounds delicious! I had skyr in Norway last year and I loved it 😀 I can’t wait to visit Iceland, it’s always been a dream of mine. When did you visit and what was the weather like?

    1. I was there 2 weeks ago. Weather… you can’t predict the weather in Iceland – within 15 minutes you have sun, rain, snowstorm and sun again. Icelanders say it’s normal 😀 BUt it was cold like -2C/28F if that’s what you’re asking for 🙂

  6. Love Iceland!! Can’t wait to head back there! We visited Reykjavik in December and spent a few days but I would love to explore this beautiful country in the summer when there is a little more daylight hours. Love the cuisine in Iceland as well.

  7. A tip from a local regarding the Blue Lagoon hair issue is to ALWAYS leave a bunch of hair conditioner in your hair before entering the lagoon. In the showers there are large containers of it so just go wild and then pull your hair into a bun 🙂

    1. For sure hehe… but also my hair is ‘special’ and it’s hard to brush it even without dipping it into this mineral water 😉

  8. I loved Iceland, it was a beautiful and untouched country! I hope you keep blogging! Watching some great bloggers stop is especially hard for us newcomers in the blogging world 😀

  9. I’m going there next month, and was planning on taking the chance and dip my hair, since I’ve got scalp psoriasis too, but now I might not take that risk haha. Have you successfully found any treatments that works for your scalp? I’ve tried numerous shampoos and treatments and nothing seems to work anymore :-(.

    1. Topical things won’t really work for your scalp. Never did for me and anyone else I know.
      Only biological drugs work great for my scalp, so-so for nails.

  10. I found whenever I went into the ocean in the Caribbean the salt water helped. Maybe Epsom salt bath?

    1. Not in severe cases, unfortunately. Plus if you have open wounds especially on your scalp salt water is the last thing you want 🙁

  11. Hi Anna,
    Thank you for your article. I can’t wait to go to the Blue Lagoon next year. I do want to schedule one or more of their psoriasis treatments. In your article you mentioned a yellow cream that has helped you. Would you be kind enough to share what it is? How has your psoriasis been since using it?.

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