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I Traveled to the Maldives Alone and It Was Great!

I Traveled to the Maldives Alone and It Was Great!

The Maldives is always advertised as an ultimate destination for couples. Many dream of visiting the Maldives for their honeymoon, and traveling solo isn’t labeled as typical. I traveled to the Maldives alone as a travel blogger, and I can assure you that sometimes I felt like I had more fun and learned more than couples and families I encountered.

I landed quite late, so I booked myself a hotel near the airport for a few hours, before hopping on a local seaplane the next morning. I was glad I booked a hotel in Hulhamale, not Male, as the airport isn’t actually in Male, but on another island. After a short drive to the hotel and a few hours of sleep, I was able to get back to the airport within a 10-minute drive. 

You must have questions. Are there any things to do in the Maldives alone?

There’s a perception that the Maldives is a destination for doing nothing. On a typical day, a couple or family would enjoy their overwater bungalow and sunbathe on the beach. There’s nothing more wrong than that. There are plenty of things to do there and most of them didn’t require a partner.

I was lucky that during my time in the Maldives, the weather was absolutely perfect which enabled me to do everything I wanted. Sunny every day with just one day of occasional short showers which created a beautiful sunset.

First things first: choose your islands accordingly. The further away the resort is from Malé, the more isolated it is. Which can be both a pro and a con, depending on your preferences and financial possibilities. There are over 1000 islands in the Maldives and each offers something completely different, as each resort sits on its very own island.

But, no matter where you’re staying you’ll be able to find many things to do for a solo traveler.

Maldives solo
The entire bed just for me!

Things to Do in the Maldives as a Solo Traveler

1. Snorkeling & Diving

Underwater you’re alone anyway and the Maldives has plenty of underwater attractions to offer you. Starting from small fish and blacktip sharks (they’re harmless to humans) to whale sharks and giant manta rays.

The reef surrounded by calm waters can be reached within a few minutes from the shore. It’s really impressive to see giant creatures swimming so close to you.

Woman solo in Maldives

2. Surfing

Not many associate the calm waters of the Maldives with surfing. The waves are just about the right size (3′ – 6′) for beginners and advanced surfers.

 The summer months of June, July and August are potentially the best months for the biggest swells, but tropical storms are more prevalent.

Some resorts specialize in surf camps, particularly in North Male Atol. As you can imagine, a great way to socialize and get to know your fellow solo travelers on the island.

Learning how to operate the boat with my feet

3. Spa Treatments

I definitely enjoyed my spa treatments in the Maldives. The Maldivian treatment, for example, uses the coconut as a milky bath and scrub to exfoliate and soften the skin. I assure you that you won’t need another person to admire the turquoise waters and beaches while getting a massage to soothe the mind and nourish the body.

Most resorts offer spa services these days. While I got standard treatment, I was told that if I had more time I could have got a personalized assessment of my skin and treatment according to my results. Next time I guess.

love Maldives

4. Watching Sea Life

I spent hours at my pool watching tiny blacktip sharks swimming among fish in the ocean. During my stay, the water was so clean that I was able to stand over the water or float on my giant unicorn and observe the ocean coming to life. I swear, it gets addictive.

Other resorts had manta rays coming to the shore as well. They’re both completely harmless with their useless teeth, so if you dare you can jump in with them as I did.

When I went on a sunset dolphin cruise and I saw a big group of dolphins hanging out next to our boat, not even 5 minutes after we departed. I’ve never seen anything like this in my life before!

5. Interacting with Locals

Resort experience with overwater bungalows, as fun as it can be, shouldn’t prevent you from interacting with locals. I visited some local islands and learned a lot about the culture of the Maldives. The streets are lively and full of friendly locals who’re always happy to show you around.

Getting out of the tourists’ places was surely one of the best experiences. When I travel alone, regardless of the destination, I usually get to interact with locals more than when I travel with someone. I feel that locals approach me easier when I’m on my own and it never feels awkward to ask a few questions about their daily life.

During my visit to Maalhos Island my local guide introduced me to their daily routines and even took me to his house to give his little boy a hug! He showed me what happens to all the trash that’s being produced in the Maldives.

Not sure if you’re aware, but the Maldives used to have a huge trash problem and up until 4 years ago most of the plastic was being thrown into the water. These days locals and resorts have learned to recycle everything, and things they can’t recycle are being shipped first to the trash island near Male, before getting picked up by India.

Maldives locals

6. Stargazing

Two of the resorts I stayed at had gigantic telescopes to watch the stars. Needless to say, I went to see what’s up in the sky twice in the Maldives. While most people were interested mostly in seeing the moon, the local astronomer was also showing everyone different stars.

Since I was there on my own, during the dinner with the astronomer I got to ask him a ton of questions and exchanged many fun stories on how he became an astronomer, while the other couple was more focused on enjoying themselves. I’ve never seen the sky being so clear anywhere else in the world.

For example, I was able to see one particular star that I’d never paid attention to before, but it turned out it’s the most blinking star in our galaxy. It’s called Sirius and it appears to twinkle the most because it’s pretty close to Earth, making it one of the brightest stars, combined with our atmosphere bending the light from it.

stargazing Maldives

7. Simply Enjoying Yourself!

Let’s not forget about simply letting your hair down and enjoying your time in paradise. I had a blast eating the best fresh food out there and floating on my unicorn.


I’m not going to lie. Of course, it would be been fun if my partner or a friend came with me, but I wasn’t going to wait for someone else’s decision to fulfill my dreams of going to the Maldives.

I was very busy and enjoyed every minute of my stay. In the end, in the era of the internet, you can always stay connected through video calls…

Maldives alone

During my Stay in the Maldives Alone I Stayed at:

Soneva Fushi

Soneva Jani



Any questions about traveling to the Maldives solo? Don’t be shy, ask below!


Tuesday 27th of February 2024

Hi, I'm looking for my next trip. It is going to be my first solo trip and I do not know where to go. I would like beach but something extra to visiting small towns.. I was thinking in Bali or Maldives, your post help me a lot! I´m 57 and this 2024 is going to be the year! Thanks!!!


Sunday 11th of September 2022

How did you take all the far away pictures by yourself?

Anna Karsten

Monday 12th of September 2022

Yes I have :)


Sunday 11th of September 2022

Hello! Im planning a trip to the Maldives with a couple of friends and was wondering if u could share your guides contact? He sounds wonderful!

Anna Karsten

Monday 12th of September 2022

The guide for the local island? He was basically my boat driver as this wasn't a touristy island, but if you want to go to a local island you don't need a guide.


Sunday 7th of August 2022

You stayed in different places, how did you get to each one? I’m a first time female solo traveller and sorry if my questions sound silly.

Thanks so much, Julie from 🇨🇦

Anna Karsten

Tuesday 9th of August 2022

Depends on the island. Some are accessible by a ferry, some only by a private boat transfer, some only by a seaplane.


Thursday 9th of June 2022

I would love to know your itinerary and how long you were there. I've wanted to go here for so long, and to see the bioluminescent bays. Costs of things would be great to know as well. The solo travel bug has bitten!

Anna Karsten

Thursday 9th of June 2022

Costs vary per season, hotel, room standard, and many other things so it can be $50 per night or $5000 per night. The good news is that bioluminescence happens between June and October, which is low season due to the possibility of rain.

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