How to Register a Baby Born Abroad & Get Certificate of Birth Abroad
Lots of people think that a child must be born in the US to get an American citizen, but that’s not true. While anyone, regardless of nationality, can give birth in the US and the baby will be a US citizen due to jus soli – law of land, if you or your spouse is an American citizen and you live abroad you might not need to rush back to the US to give your baby a US citizenship.
Both of my kids were born outside of the US and both of them are American citizens at birth. We simply applied for CRBA – Consular Report of a Birth Abroad.
The Consular Report of Birth Abroad (CRBA) is a mechanism whereby a US citizen who has a child while living abroad may apply to have his or her child become a US citizen. Your child is not a US citizen before you apply for his/her CRBA. It’s advised to apply as soon as possible. Why?
By law, US citizens, including dual nationals, must use a U.S. passport to enter and leave the United States. For example, my kids obtained Polish and Mexican citizenship first which would mean they would need a visa to enter the US so without getting their CRBAs we wouldn’t have been able to bring them to the country.
Who Is Eligible for CRBA?
There are rules that might scare some people of and not everyone might be eligible, but I think it’s pretty straightforward forward and we’ve never had issues. I cannot say the same about my green card procedures and so far my naturalization has also taken forever and ever.
Not everyone is eligible for a CRBA, but it’s safe to say that if you’re a typical adult person who grew up in the US you should be fine.
For your child to benefit from US citizenship at the time of birth, US nationality law requires that certain conditions must be met.
If both mother and father are American, married or not, it’s easy. If, like in our case, one of you is an American citizen and another one is not, it’s pretty straightforward.
The general rule is that a parent giving the child US citizenship must have been physically present in the United States for at least 5 years, 2 years after the age of 14 at some time prior to the birth of the child.
If the father is a US citizen and mother is not and the child is born out of wedlock (parents aren’t married), then you might be asked for a statement or genetic testing to provide a blood relation to a child, but the Consulate will tell you whether you need it or not.

Documents Needed for CRBA
You absolutely do NOT need a lawyer for this, unless your situation is somehow complicated. You can submit all the documents easily by yourself.
This documentation includes, at the very minimum, the following:
- The child’s birth certificate (the original you obtain from a birth registry in the country of birth)
- Evidence of the parent(s)’ U.S. citizenship and identity
- Evidence of the U.S. citizen parent(s)’ physical presence or residence in the U.S. prior to the birth of the child
- Parent(s) marriage certificate, if applicable
- Evidence of the termination of any previous marriages of the parents
- If a person other than a parent of the child is applying for the CRBA, the person must present a certified copy of legal guardianship or a notarized affidavit from the parent(s) authorizing the person the make the application.
- One 2×2″ passport-style photo of the child
- Filing fee of $100 for the CRBA (and an additional $105 if a U.S. passport is desired).
- Form DS-2029
In regards to no.1 – US Embassy in the country of your child’s birth will list all the documents you need specifically. For example, in Mexico we needed a special document with a footprint we were given at the hospital (that’s not part of the birth certificate), while in Poland only the longer version of the birth certificate was accepted (I’ve actually met parents at the Consulate who didn’t read the info correctly and had to resubmit the application because of it).
In regards to no. 3 – it can be anything, from tax returns, proof of house ownership or rental, high school transcripts, college degree, work contract. Anything that situates you in the US for 5 years.
In regards to no. 7 – simply ask any photo studio to do it in a format like “for US visa”. They know the dimensions and everything.

How to Get a CRBA
You can apply for a CRBA by completing Form DS-2029 or scheduling an appointment online these days (depending on the location). You need to schedule an appointment at the consulate or embassy, depending on the place. Keep in mind that in some places only specific spots issue CRBAs.
For example, my first son Dylan was born in Warsaw, Poland and we were able to get it all done in Warsaw at the Embassy.
My second son Holden was born in Cancun, Mexico and while there is a consular agency in Cancun this particular spot doesn’t issue CRBAs so we had to take a road trip to Merida consulate.
These appointments do get booked up quickly. If you’re not in a rush to fly to the US that’s fine, but it does take time and you can only apply after the baby is born.
In Poland, we scheduled it for the same day we got out of the hospital and we received it relatively quickly – 2 weeks later, but it was really the only appointment available.
In Mexico, the situation was a bit more complex due to the pandemic and the fact that appointments were not given. We had to email the consulate to request an emergency appointment due to the fact we wanted to return to the US and we got it, but the caveat of that was that they mailed us our CRBA so we didn’t have to drive all the way back, but could only issue us a same-day emergency passport valid for 1 year. Once we got back to the US we basically reapplied for the regular passport.
Both parents and the baby need to attend the interview at the consulate. Both times it was a very standard interview asking my husband (the citizen) about his presence in the US, our story, why was the baby born abroad and so on.
The interviewer will tell you then and there that you’re fine and CRBA will be mailed. The decision is made instantly.
How Long Does it Take to Get a CRBA?
While it says 4-8 weeks in normal circumstances, we always got it within a week. Not sure if it was our luck, but that was it.
Keep in mind that if you live far from the consulate they can simply mail you the documents but you need to provide a prepaid envelope for this. Otherwise, you can just pick it up in person.
Any questions? Ask in the comments below!
I’m looking into birthing in Quintana-roo and will be doing so by myself (father not present). Although I’m a US Citizen, I’m also unwed and wondered if I’d have trouble obtaining CRBA without the father being present. I figured he wouldn’t be on any of the birth records, which I’m fine with, but would it affect my ability to register for baby’s CRBA? As an unwed-mother and US Citizen, will I have an issue getting baby’s CRBA since both parents aren’t present?
Are there any other issues I might encounter as an unwed mother, i.e. birth certificate, etc? I’m also planning on going to a birthing center, but I’m hoping they have a process for birth certificate/registration similar to what you received from the hospital from your birth.
You can transmit the citizenship to your child on your own because you’re a US citizen, as long as the father’s name is not on the birth certificate. That’s not an issue in your case 🙂
The only “issue” (which really isn’t an issue) would be the last name because normally the child in Mexico gets two last names (based on parents birth certificates), but in your case the child will get your last name as a first one and your mother’s maiden name as the last one basically 🙂
The birthing center will arrange everything for you, don’t worry. It only gets slightly more complex when you have a home birth because then you need to go register the baby at the clinic.
Good luck!
Hello! We have plans to give birth in CDMX in March. Do you know if I can schedule the appt with the consulate now? Like at the end of March when I know for sure the baby will be born by? Thanks!
No, you can only do it after the baby is born and you have a birth certificate in hand.
My wife is a Russian and We live in Moscow while waiting for IR-1 interview and trying to get our baby CRBA & US passport. Unfortunately, All of consulates and Embassy in RUS have been shut down. I have checked availabilities with CRBA in all of nearing countries. Do you think we can make appointment for CRBA only in a nearing country (i,e – Latvia or Uzbekistan)? if so, how does US embassy in Latvia or Uzbekistan give us the CRBA??
Will be appreciated! – Peter
“U.S. citizens seeking to register the birth of their child in Russia may apply at Embassies Riga, Tallinn, or Tbilisi. ” – sounds like Latvia yes, Uzbekistan unsure for children born in Russia. Here’s a link to necessary documents and appointment scheduling:
@peter, Peter were you able to sort out your situation. Im in America right now and planning to go to Russia to give a birth in August. to seek support and help from my family. It would be very helpful if you would share with your story
I’m giving birth near Tijuana and am concerned there’s not going to be any available appointments. What type of emergency classifies for an emergency appointment? Both of us parents are American and need to return to the states for our other child. Would that classify as an emergency?
Yes, that’s exactly what we did 🙂
Hi! I gave birth to my baby in Canada and need to move back to the US in a week for a new job opportunity. Considering Canadians don’t need a visa to enter the US, I believe I can travel with the baby but can I apply for a CRBA from within the US or is it only in the country the baby was born?
I’ve tried looking for this information but everything states “US Embassy or consulate nearest you”.
Hope you can help. Thanks!
No, you must apply for CRBA in the country of birth (unless it’s not available in this country then you can travel to a designated other consulate in another country), but not possible to do it within the US.
@Anna Karsten, We currently arrived from Ukraine via humanitarian parole. Our son was born out of wedlock in Ukraine, and I’m a US citizen since 2007. How can we apply for CRBA given that we are in USA and can’t go back to the country in wartime?
You said you’re a US citizen since 2007, but arriving from Ukraine. Have you lived in the US for 5 years since you received your citizenship?
It’s a tricky situation since your partner and son arrived under parole, but either way, you cannot apply for CRBA in the US under any circumstance and especially not when your child is on a different visa now. You need to leave the US to apply for CRBA.
Normally, if the consulate or embassy doesn’t issue CRBA in the country of the child’s birth you can get CRBA in a neighboring country to listen on the official website. However, the US consulate in Kyiv reopened and is issuing CRBAs and doesn’t say that there are exceptions due to war. There might be exceptions (although I doubt it considering it creates issues with paperwork), but you would need to call the consulate in Kyiv to find out – my guess would be they can tell you to either go to Poland, but since you’re far away they might tell you to go to Mexico or Canada and apply there.
Hi Anna,
I kind of asked this question on one of your other blogs. I just want clarification. If parents who are United States citizens have a baby in Mexico, can they leave Mexico without having the CRBA or US passport for the baby? Will the Mexican passport work for the baby to return to the US? It seems like it would be easier if they could wait and apply for the US passport once they arrive in the United States. Especially if they need to return to jobs.
They can leave Mexico, but the baby cannot enter the US without a US passport (sometimes CRBA is being sent out later than the passport). You need a trip to the consulate and obtain it. If you need to return to your job quickly you can state it at the consulate and apply for an emergency passport at the consulate… it’s given on the same day. This passport will be valid for a year and once you arrive back to the US you need to apply for a regular passport – they’ll give you a letter with instructions on how to exchange the emergency passport.
@Anna Karsten,
Thank you so much for all of this information. Your blog has helped us so much to plan for the birth of our first baby!
We are planning on having her and then returning back to the US three weeks later (birth in Cancun). So, I know we will have to go to Merida with a newborn (stressful). Do we have the CRBA sent to our AirBNB in Mexico or will they mail it to the states?
They mail it back home to the US, don’t worry 🙂
Hello, my baby will be born in November. Since the baby daddy is in Mexico, on wait for his fiance visa, I would like to have my baby in Mexico. My question is once the CRBA is approved and issued a passport, how long do I have to get back to the US?
There’s no time frame. You don’t need to come back for years if you don’t want to 🙂
Hello I need to apply for crba I am married to my baby father but he won’t be able to attend the appointment . I’m the us citizen and he’s not can I go by myself
You cannot I’m afraid. The rules say everyone must come to the appointment.
First, I would like to say thank you for providing this information. Hopefully you can shed some light on my situation.
I’m in South Korea married to a Korean woman and our daughter is 20 months old. All three of us are planning to visit the United States very soon. We have not visited the American embassy yet (yes, it’s my fault and judging me is more than fair), but we have gotten all her travel documents on her korean side. We are able to get an ESTA visa for my daughter, which allows South Koreans to go to the United States as a tourist. We are unable to get up to the embassy before we plan to travel to Hawaii for an emergency passport. Will my daughter, as a Korean who has not been recognized in any way by the United States, be able to cross into the United States to meet her grandparents for the first time? Or, am I totally out of luck?
Whatever your reply is, I would just like to thank you for providing such sound and instructive advice.
To answer your question legally: “If your child has a claim to U.S. citizenship (which your daughter does), s/he is required to enter and depart the United States on a valid U.S. passport. S/he should not enter the United States on a foreign passport with a visa, or visa-free under the Visa Waiver Program (which is ESTA)”. You’ll receive the same information at any US consulate. This means legally she cannot enter the US on ESTA and you will run into issues. If somehow you slip through the cracks and manage to get her ESTA (which is unlikely), you might run into issues later when you try to claim her citizenship when she’s already been in the US as a tourist. So that’s the dangerous part.
Secondly, you cannot apply for her passport in the US because she doesn’t possess a US birth certificate or citizenship yet. You need her American birth certificate first and it has to be done in the consulate at her country of birth so in South Korea. To claim her citizenship you need to apply for CRBA at the consulate – you cannot do it inside the US. So I’m afraid that’s not good for you, but…
Basically, the only way for you is to travel to the embassy/consulate (whoever issues CRBAs in South Korea before your trip. The good news is that if you’re planning on leaving soon you might be able to call the consulate and schedule an emergency appointment. When I did this we received an emergency passport in just a few hours and CRBA came by mail about 2 weeks later. We traveled to the US before the CRBA showed up because we had an emergency passport for the baby and we received instructions to send it and exchange it for a permanent one when we arrived in the US.
Hello. I’m due in July with a baby. I have lived in the UK for the last 5 years, but 32 years previously in the US. I am planning on travelling back with the baby at Christmas so my family can meet our little one and my fiance. Her father is a British Citizen but we aren’t married. Engaged but not married. Can our daughter visit the US on her fathers passport or will she need her own right away to enter? In the UK you can add your own child to your passport if they are under a certain age. What do I need to do to be able to have her recognised as a US citizen and be able to travel? Do you think it is obtainable for Christmas time (when we are planning to visit my family) with her being born in July?
Many thanks for your help
I don’t know who told you that you can add a child to your passport but this information is incorrect (it used to be that way in the past but it has changed in the UK). Your baby will need his own child passport to travel abroad as a UK citizen and your partner cannot represent her.
She also cannot travel to the US on a UK passport only if she has a right to a US citizenship because of you (which she does since you lived there for 32 years). You need to apply for CRBA immediately. Documents needed for CRBA are listed in this article, find out which consulate does CRBA in the UK and is the closest to you 🙂
UK passports take forever now (I know some people wait over 12 weeks), but I suspect the summer rush to travel will die down so you should be fine by Christmas if you start applying for everything literally as soon as the baby is born.
Hello! Thanks for all the information. What is the process to apply for the emergency passport in Mexico? Did that happen in your regular appointment?
We had our baby in Tijuana and our appointment is next week. We work for a nonprofit in Tijuana and we both need to cross into the US a week after our appointment. (So thankful we even got the appointment.. it was booked up!)
Our second baby was born when covid restrictions were still in place so there wasn’t even possible to get a regular appointment. But, you can always ask for an emergency passport at your appointment. It’s valid for up to a year and you need to send it from within the US to replace it (during this time while it’s being processed you obviously cannot leave because you need to send the old passport with your application, so you might want to do it later if you’re going back to Tijuana).
I was an Indian citizen who became naturalized American citizen in 2018. I have been staying in USA since 2000 traveling for few months every 2-3 years to India to visit my family over there. I married and applied for my wife’s green card and she got it in 2019. She is going to apply for her citizenship this year. My wife has been staying in USA since 2007 and has traveled multiple times to India to visit her family over there. There is possibility we relocate to India after few years from now. If our child is born in India will we be eligible to apply for us citizenship for child? I am unsure if both of us will qualify for physical presence test as those 5 years do they have to be just before child is born? Please clarify
Your wife is not a citizen yet, so the baby would need to apply for citizenship through you and you only. If you traveled out of the US for months at a time it’s not a problem, as long as you have something to prove your status: work contract in the US, tax returns in the US, rental agreements, anything that would be a proof that you lived in the US basically. They just don’t want people who are anchor babies to get citizenship for their kids.
@Anna Karsten, thanks for reply. Do five years residence in USA need to be in status of us citizen? As per this:
“A parent’s physical presence is calculated in the aggregate and includes time accrued in the United States during periods when the parent was not a U.S. citizen.”
So looks like it’s not required for me to be there for five years in USA since becoming American citizen my time as green card holder also counts? Please confirm
Yes, it’s fine as long as it’s been a lawful stay so green card stay is valid 🙂
Hello, Anna!
It was quite useful article, thank you. I and my boyfriend was in Russia when our baby appeared. He is citizen, I’m not.
We also tried to apply for CRBA in Tbilisi, Georgia. But our evidence considered insufficient, there was master’s degree transcript, w-2 salary form, automobile registration, car insurances, job offer and other staff. Everything but diploma was not counted. Was surprised by that, did long trip with little child by myself. They requested more papers and seems it gonna take forever for them to consider those papers. By the way, if someone is reading that they requested bank’s statement and passport stamps for evidence. It was not listed in the website so we did not prepare them at the interview.
He was in US since 2013 and got citizenship at 2018. His master degree was since beginning of 2017 till mid 2020. As I know you have to be present in US for 3 years at least to get the citizenship. If master degree is accepted as evidence I don’t understand how officer did not count 5 years, but it’s another story.
My visa is going to be expired soon, and we wanted to come to US because my boyfriend is working there and he wants to see our daughter so badly.
Do you know is it possible to try to apply at another embassy in Riga or Tallinn, maybe it would take faster there? Or since we applied in Tbilisi we have to wait as long as it suppose to take? Is there any regulations for the application, how long they can delay our case?
My comment turned out quite big 🙂
Would be grateful for your respond.
Honestly, a part of me thinks they were more strict, because of the sanctions on Russia, but obviously, no one will officially say that.
You only need to be in the US 180 days out of the 3 years before naturalization so that’s why the officer didn’t automatically count it. However, a Master’s degree as proof is listed but w-2 and car insurance or offers are not necessarily proof because you can have it and not be in the US. You should have brought rental agreements, tax returns with a US address, and passport stamps (passport stamps ARE listed as a proof on the official USCIS websites and always get checked if the case isn’t clear – just went through it with my own citizenship actually). They can always ask for something else, especially since your boyfriend is a naturalized citizen. If he was in the US since 2013 then once you bring more evidence it shouldn’t be an issue frankly. Try calling and asking if you can go elsewhere but your records will be somewhere already so bring everything you can think of as evidence.
Thank you for sharing!
How long did you stay in mexico before delivery and after delivery ? Isn’t there a travel restriction during 3rd trimester?
Did you rent or did you stay st the hotel?
I wouldn’t recommend staying at hotels with a newborn, it’s just not practical. There are plenty of self-catered apartment rentals everywhere.
I stayed 4 weeks before delivery and 6 after (both by choice). Previous delivery I did a week before delivery and 2 weeks after. Most airlines advise not to fly after 36 weeks, but you can if you have a doctor’s note. And frankly, I’ve never been asked for a doctor’s note anyway.
You can come back to the US, but your child can’t because they need a document to enter the US so you would need to apply for a US visa or ESTA for your child, but that’s not advisable. You cannot request CRBA in the US anyway, so you must wait for an appointment abroad.
@Anna Karsten,
My child had Canadian passport and was fine entering the US. I contacted the Toronto embassy they said all I need is to just apply for his passport form DS-11 and I did. With just $35 I got him a US passport. I am glad I did not spend the money on CRBA.
This is incorrect information on so many levels. Canadians don’t need visas to the US or ESTA so your case doesn’t apply to anyone who isn’t Canadian basically – that’s point one. Secondly, to apply for a US passport and use form DS-11 you need to have a birth certificate, an American birth certificate proving the citizenship of the baby – you cannot apply for a US passport with a foreign birth certificate because even if the parent is a US citizen the baby might not be eligible for citizenship and therefore cannot get a US passport. You need CRBA in 99.9% of cases.
A couple of things I would like to mention. First, due to the 1971 SCOTUS Rogers v Bellei case, US citizens who acquire their citizenship at birth abroad are statutory and not 14th Amendment, 1st Clause citizens. According to the Bellei decision, which is still precedent, statutory citizenship is not Constitutionally entrenched and is not as protected or as secure as that of the citizenship given to US born or naturalized (in the US) citizens. Also due to the aforementioned SCOTUS case this statutory citizenship is not covered by the 1967 Afroyim SCOTUS decision that protects 14th Amendment, 1st Clause citizens from the involuntary revocation of their citizenship. This is something that is not mentioned to most people, including US citizen military members who have children abroad. Congress can and must fix this permanently and make all citizenships Constitutionally entrenched and equal. Secondly, a CRBA is evidence of US citizenship, but you do not have to apply for one to get your US citizenship, which in most cases is automatic at birth if all the statutory requirements are met. It is a great idea to have a CRBA to be able to get your passport, etc., but you do not forfeit your US citizenship, if you qualify, by not applying for a CRBA. I am just passing on information I have just recently uncovered but wish I had known decades ago when I had a child abroad. Had I known about the statutory vs 14th Amendment, 1st Clause citizenship I would have returned to the US to have my child to ensure my child had 14th Amendment, 1st Clause (Constitutionally entrenched) citizenship. Most military members and their spouses who have children abroad are not aware of this difference. The Bellei case had a huge impact on citizenship but is one of the least known and understood SCOTUS court cases. I just urge all people considering having children abroad to get a qualified lawyer and do the research. Plus, I am working to get Congress to rectify this injustice.
The citizenship can be involuntarily revoked (that is correct) similar to those who were naturalized, but only when it’s subject to fraud – in the case of CRBA it’s usually based on the physical presence requirement (and as you might be aware happened in Mr. Hizam’s case). If you’re not lying about the physical presence then there’s no reason to revoke it and it doesn’t normally happen and it’s basically fearmongering.
In regards to CRBA, sure you don’t have to get it, but then how are you going to get the passport and actually travel to the US? You cannot. The same way you technically might not have to get a baby’s birth certificate when the baby is born in the US, but it’s madness and you’ll run into issues later with everything. You basically need it to prove US citizenship.
@Anna Karsten,
People need to understand that Statutory citizenship is not the same as Constitutional , 14th Amendment , First Clause citizenship. It is not as protected nor is it as secure. It is basically a form of naturalization by statute at birth abroad and is given by Congressional grant under their Powers of Naturalization and this citizenship is not guaranteed by the Constitution like the citizenship of those simply born in the geographical U.S. as clearly stated in the SCOTUS Bellei decision of 1971. Everyone needs to read that entire case including the dissenting opinions. Remember what Congress gives, it can also take away. Statutory citizens are not protected by the 1967 SCOTUS decision because of the subsequent 1971 Bellei SCOTUS decision. Informing people about this is not fear mongering. It is simply informing those facing having children abroad that the citizenship is different and if they want their children to have 14th Amendment First Clause Constitutional Citizenship they can return to the US for the birth. I wish someone had told me that in 2000 so I could have done just that. Congress has the means to make all statutory citizenships be elevated to 14th Amendment, First Clause citizenship upon the citizens’ first Constitutionally recognized presence in the US and should take action to do that. Anything less is not fair or just. So yes, the US currently has a tiered citizenship system, and not all tiers are equal in all aspects.
Hello Anna, this is probably a super basic question. But how do you get a prepaid envelope for the CRBA to be mailed? Do we need to go to the post office? How do we know how much postage to add?
We always used DHL and Fedex, but some Consulates might want something else.
@Anna Karsten, Thank you. This question and answer was actually helpful
“how to submit” the information seems to be an elusive answer, and “how to get the appointment” seems to be a hassle too. So this helped. We appreciate it.
Do you need he vaccine card for the crba and us citizen for a baby born in mexico?
No, you don’t. Just the birth certificate and hospital birth records, along with parents’ documents.
This was really helpful, thank you so much!!!
I´m registering my son in CDMX. Once I pay for the CRBA and send them the email, do they reply with the date for your appointment? Are you able to re-schedule if you can´t make it? I have a trip coming up and I´m afraid they´ll give me an appointment when I won´t be in the country. Thank you!!!
Yes, you can usually ask for a different date 🙂
Hello, my daughter was born in Juarez Mexico since the mother is Mexican but I’m trying to apply for her CRBA since I’m a US citizen by birth and have been living in the us my whole life but now the website says eCRBA is not available and to use form DS-2029 but the instructions aren’t clear. Can anyone please advise me?
This is probably a silly question – but on the form it asks for “Precise Periods of Time in United States” for both parents. I’m a US citizen – lived there until I was 27, then moved to the UK where my husband lives. Do I just need to put that? Or each time me and/or my husband made a trip to visit the US?
In your case it’s simple since you lived in the US almost all your lifetime. Just put the date when you moved to the UK (but still bring supporting documents that prove it (over the age of 16) like some school paperwork, job contract, apartment rentals and so on. They did look at it for my husband and he also hasn’t moved anywhere until 30. They just want to make sure that you really lived in the US as an adult.
Hello, I’m considering going to Guadalajara to have my second baby and i have a few questions. I have family there and will be staying with them so all of my stay/ medical care has been planned but I’m curious about the paperwork
My husband and i are both U.S. citizens. So the baby will of course be both but are we able to bring the baby back before completing his Mexican citizenship? If we register the baby and get his us passport and us birth certificate can we return to the us? Or do you recommend doing it all while we’re there or can that be done when we return to California? Also what’s the process like for that? Is it easier to do in Mexico or does it matter? And then as far as Mexican citizenship for myself, my husband and our other child what’s that process like?
Officially you need to do it before leaving Mexico, because every country has a law that if you’re a dual citizen you must leave and enter on a passport of the country. But, unlike in Colombia or Brazil where they would literally stop you at the airport, Mexico doesn’t enforce it that much. You can do it at the Mexican consulate in California, but the lines aren’t as long as when we had to it (as it was right after covid backlog), so it should be easy to do it in Mexico as well. Mexican passports are issued within a few hours.
You do NOT get a Mexican citizenship because of the baby, you can get permanent residency in Mexico (this has to be done in Mexico). You can get a Mexican citizenship after 2 years of living in Mexico on your permanent residency (you can only be away for 6 months maximum within the 2 years) but you would also need to pass a Spanish language test and quite complex Mexican history test. It’s an actual test, quite difficult (unlike the US one which is 5 simple questions and no language test basically LOL).
Here is my article on the process:
I was wondering if I need to be living abroad to get a CRBA for my child. I’m the father and I’m an american citizen and my fiance is a foreigner (non-US citizen). Currently, I’m in Tijuana, MX living with my fiance and our baby was recently born in August 2023. I want to start applying for the CRBA. However, as far as the American government is concerned, I live and work in San Diego, CA. I go back and forth almost on a daily basis, but my family and I are currently living in Tijuana awaiting fiance visa processing. When I registered my child, I put a mexican address, but I also have a different american address that I use for work and tax-filing purposes. Any advice you can provide on this situation?
It doesn’t matter, babies are born abroad at times regardless of where the parents actually live. Just explain it to the officer during your interview.
What all does the non citizen have to fill out on DS-2029? I have gotten mixed responses on if the norm citizen needs to list times physically present in the states.
Yes, you have to list time present in the US even if you spent the majority of your live in the US.
Anna, what happens in the case of a US baby born in a country that does not use the English/Latin alphabet? Greece in our case, birth cert in Greek. Baby’s last name will be spelled differently in Greek because of the alphabet. So when filing for crba/passport, will the US embassy accept the father’s true last name as per his passport to be the baby’s last name in the papers?
There are many countries with different alphabets so I assume this is common but I cannot find a rule for it.
Yes, they will! You can change the name when you register to the baby. We removed the second last name that he has on his Mexican birth certificate and it didn’t require any paperwork, just told the officer that we only want one listed 🙂
Have you had any issues with your child’s US last name not matching their Mexican last name? For example, if your child is required to enter Mexico with their Mexican passport and enter the U.S. with their U.S. passport, which name do you put on the flight ticket because will they be allowed through security and into the country if their passport name doesn’t match their flight ticket name? We’re considering putting our baby’s first Mexican last name as their U.S. middle name and their second Mexican last name as their only U.S. last name.
No, we haven’t had issues and honestly it was very straightforward when getting his EU passport later too – they only put 1 last name (first one) which means it all matches. When flying in/out of Mexico you also just put the first last name on the reservation 🙂
However, as I actually have different middle names in different passports I can tell you that it matters for immigration. For example, I can book a flight to the US with my middle name from Europe and all they need to do at the counter is to check that I have the passport with the name that matches and that I have a valid passport/visa/etc needed to enter the country I’m going to (which would be other passport).
However, switching last names like you you want to do can cause numerous other issues and I would advise against it, because:
1) If you put the first last name as a middle name, your child will have two different last names. Might not seem like a big deal because in their CRBA it will state the whatever you decided, but for any documents in the future (literally anywhere outside of the US) they require the original birth certificate which would be Mexican one, not CRBA. Again, it might not be a big deal, but their school records won’t match, vaccination records won’t match, literally nothing will match if you live in the US or in between. There’s no official name change certificate in the US, which causes a lot of trouble (personal experience here unfortunately and many friends experiences too).
2) Second last name in Mexico is mothers name which, unless the father is planning on changing his to mother’s last name, will not match the child. Not a big deal, but when flying anywhere without the mother in this case would require the father to carry birth certificates and proof that the child is his due to different last names. At least when flying with US passport, because the Mexican one has photos of both parents these days. Current CRBA does not state parents at all like the older one did, so Mexican one would be needed and then the names won’t match again and you won’t have a name change paperwork.